GW Community School

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Robot Reveal

Saturday, September 9, 2016

The 2016-2017 Robotic season is officially underway!  With Mr. Lindner bravely leading another team of eager, robot builders into robot battle, the first party was a huge success!

F.I.R.S.T., the robotics competition organizing body keeps the new season a secret until noon on the first Saturday of the school year!  This year eighteen students and an impressive collection of parents all convened in the LGIR (movie room) at GWCS to watch the “reveal” together in real time.  This year the robots that are created in Dr. Linderstein’s laboratory will have to possess a great number of skills.  They will have to move objects, lift objects, push buttons, place objects in goals, and (for extra points) throw a giant rubber ball onto a platform six feet over their ‘heads!’

It promises to be a challenging and exciting season!  If you missed the reveal party, it is not too late to join robotics.  See Mr. Lindner for details.  We’ll see everybody else at the upcoming tournaments!