GW Community School

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Lake Anna Writing Retreat

The Senior Essay Writing Retreat at Lake Anna always stirs up excitement around GWCS.

College admissions essays are many student's one opportunity to speak directly to the colleges they are applying and share the character behind their transcripts, GPA and test scores.

Lake Anna in late October is INSANELY BEAUTIFUL, with fall foliage punching bright yellows and reds into the landscape.

Three days of communal living, hard work and a singular goal, all unplugged from the grid, is an rare event. For many students it's a real breath of fresh air in their sometimes intense senior year. 

This year's crop of seniors took to the retreat with great gusto and aplomb. One wrote about the relationship between water and leadership, another about how losing a PE competition completely changed his life, another about how frying fish taught him the value of diligence. Students spotted Venus, Mars AND Jupiter in the night sky (thanks to a tip from Dr. Cox!), got up early to watch morning fog roll off the lake, and had a general blast soaking up their classmates' company.