Alex Corrigan grew up outside DC except for a couple of years where he lived in Canberra, Australia. He attended the GW Community School and graduated in 2017. After graduating, he became a student at George Mason University, where he received his B.S in Biology and is soon to complete his M.Ed. in Biology. Mr. Corrigan’s love for all sciences is evident in his college career, where he entertained degrees in Environmental Science, Medical Laboratory Sciences, and Sports Medicine. In doing so, he realized his favorite subject was Biology, specifically Anatomy and Physiology. His decision to go into education was not a shock. When he was much younger, he would play school with his brother and parents- where he would teach them whatever he was learning in school himself.

In his free time, Mr. Corrigan enjoys being outside, spending time with his dog and cats, playing piano, and travelling. His favorite trips have been to London, Morocco, and visits back to Australia.

In 2021, Mr. Corrigan returned to the GW Community School as a science tutor and fell in love with teaching. He credits his time at GW for giving him the passion he has for all sciences and hopes to give that same passion to the students he works with. He understands everyone has different learning styles and hopes to help each student find a way to make the subject enjoyable and fun, in a way that is unique to them. As he says, “everyone is a scientist in their own way, they maybe just don’t realize it yet”.

This will be his second year as a teacher here at GWCS, and he will be teaching Earth Science, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Biopsychology, and Honors Biopsychology.

COurses taught

Earth Science

Earth Science is a laboratory-based course designed to introduce students to scientific investigation and inquiry in the context of the Earth and universe. Students will make these investigations through topics such as geological changes, climate and weather, water and resources, and the solar system. Laboratory experiments will be performed to complement course material, with emphasis on student inquiry.


Biology is a laboratory-based course that introduces students to the field of Biology. This course is designed to prepare students with a well-rounded knowledge of fundamental principles in Biology. In this course, students will study the nature of scientific investigation and its applications to the cell and cellular structure, function, and communication. Students will make these investigations through a number of topics such as the molecules of life, cellular structures and functions, the role of energy and metabolism in the facilitation of biological processes, DNA and the central dogma of Biology, genetics and their role in evolution, biodiversity, and ecological applications of biology. Laboratory experiments will be performed to complement course material, with emphasis on student inquiry.

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology is a laboratory-based course that introduces students to the field of Anatomy and Physiology while allowing them to apply knowledge from Biology and Chemistry. This course will focus on anatomical terminology and the major organ systems of the body. Through various activities, students will gain an appreciation for the complexity of the human body and develop an awareness of how to maintain proper health. Laboratory experiments will be performed to complement course material, with emphasis on student inquiry.


Biopsychology is a laboratory-based course that incorporates concepts learned in Biology and Chemistry, and applies them to the field of Biopsychology. This course is designed to provide students with an exploration of the nature, principles, and methods involved in biopsychological investigation of human behavior. Students will make these investigations through a number of topics such as nervous and endocrine structure and function, learning, emotions, personality, cognition, development, psychopathology, and counseling. Throughout this course, students will gain a deeper appreciation for how the brain communicates with the body and the methods for addressing psychopathologies. Laboratory investigations will hold emphasis on student inquiry.

Honors Biopsychology

Honors Biopsychology is a laboratory-based course that incorporates concepts learned in Biology and Chemistry, and applies them to the field of Biopsychology. This course is designed to provide students with an exploration of the nature, principles, and methods involved in biopsychological investigation of human behavior. Students will make these investigations through a number of topics such as nervous and endocrine structure and function, learning, emotions, personality, cognition, development, psychopathology, and counseling. With guidance from the teacher, students in this course will work to develop an understanding of concepts through various self-led investigations. Throughout this course, students will gain a deeper appreciation for how the brain communicates with the body and the methods for addressing psychopathologies. Laboratory investigations will hold emphasis on student inquiry, with lab activities such as a dissection of the brain and eye, as well as clinical applications of topics in the medical field.


Phone: 703.978.7208