GW Community School

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All Night Event Night

GWCS Event Night... All Night!

6pm April 15 until 9am April 16, 2016

What is this long-standing tradition at GWCS called "Event Night"?  It's a movie night. It's a concert. It's a game night. It's a trivia night. It's a social occasion. It's a lock in. It's a sleep-deprived blur. And it is the most anticipated, funnest night of the year. This year, 40 students and 6 staff members made a solemn vow not to be the first person to fall asleep, and then entertained each other all night long with games, movies, music, great conversation, and 2am tacos. There was even a solid gold baby. If you don't know what that is, well, you had to be there (and if you missed it, be there next year!)